Thursday, February 18, 2010

37 weeks

How far along: 37 weeks
Weight Gain: About 40lbs
Sleep: Most the time I sleep great even though I wake up 3-4 times a night.
Labor signs: Yes, I have many contractions a day. I have been 1cm dilated since 35 weeks.
Belly button: Before pregnancy I had a super innie. Now it is almost flat. I really don't think it will become an outie.
What I miss most: My unswollen feet.
Baby Movement: Ant moves all the time. I think my favorite movement is hiccups. He has them a few times a day. My least favorite movement is when he sticks his foot in my ribs.

Update: Today at the OB I started with a NST. The NST was great because I got to hear Ant's heartbeat for about 30mins. Then we did my normal OB appointment. Weight not bad but my BP was a little high 140 over 72. I guess the office rule is if your top # is over 140 you have to lay on your left side while you wait for the OB.

I really thought my BP was under control now that my blood sugar was but apparently that wasn't true. When my OB came in she measured me 38cm. She check my blood sugars too and said those were good for the most part. We also talked about when they were going to induce me. Originally she just told me my 39th week but she would like to schedule me to come in to the hospital on Monday night March 1st to get my cervix ready and then start pitocin on Tuesday. So if Ant doesn't decide to come earlier he will most likely be here March 2nd, less then 2 weeks away.

Before leaving my appointment they recheck my BP and it was still high. So now I get to do a 24hr urine collection. I was talking to one of my GF's and she said, "Now you aren't just an expert on IF but also on complications with pregnancy." I have to just laugh at this because I never thought the last 3 or 4 weeks would have been so complicated. You would think being under 30 pregnancy should be a piece of cake (ummm cake).


  1. Wow! You are so close now. I'm so happy for you! It seems like it's taking forever for me, because my cycle got held back due to my donor. She's good to go now and so am I, and that means I should be pregnant in a couple of weeks! :-) Thanks for being so open & sharing your story. I'm thinking of you & praying for the best for you!

  2. Oh my gosh S....I can't believe how close you are.....brings back so many feel ready? It's going to be great no matter what!!! I'm so excited for you!!!
    Keep us posted!
