- Quick and easy to put on
- You can nurse on the go
- Head cover (great for when Ant falls asleep)
- Easy on the back
- Can be used up to 35lbs (I have heard 40lbs also)
- Can wear them on your back and side (we haven't tired these yet)
- You can nurse on the go
- Baby can't face out (I don't think this is a negative because they can turn their heads and you can always wear them on your side.)
- With younger babies you have to buy an insert (I don't have personal experience with this since I didn't buy it till Ant was almost 7months)
As you can see it is really hard for me to come up with negatives for the Ergo because it is AWESOME! Ant loves to be close to me and the Ergo makes it so easy. If I could go back and get the Ergo instead of the Baby Bjorn I would.
One last note on The Ergo. On our return flights I chose to use the Ergo. Ant fell asleep in it once we reach while we were in the Atlanta Airport. As we walked around to find dinner Ant comfortably slept. When we got on the plane I just wore him on. Once I got in my seat I release the top straps and if he would have still been asleep it wouldn't have woken him up. I actually wore the Ergo on the plane and it didn't bother me. When it was time to get off I just hugged Ant and strapped him back in.
I will give you my review on the Baby Bjorn last since it is my least favorite. Coming up soon is another favorite the Maya Wrap. For breastfeeding Moms on the go it is a MUST have. I would also love to try the Baby Ktan but I am waiting to find a deal to warrant the purchase. Since I have 2 Mobys, 1 Baby Bjorn, 1 Ergo, and a Maya Wrap; I am sure DH thinks I am crazy that I want another baby carrier. I also think babywearing has contributed to my desire to have another child. I want to wear another baby :)
We love our Baby Bjorn! So there. :P