Eating: Breastfeeding is gre
at! We did have some biting issues this month but I solved that by not multitasking while I nurse him. Ant wants my full attention during nursing sessions. Solids are going ok. These last couple weeks has starting vomiting/spiting up his meal after we are done. I believe it has to do with him drinking water with his meal. Breakfast this morning was the first meal he didn't spit anything up in awhile.

New Tricks: Ant is now big boy crawling and is a very fast crawler. I won't be surprised if he starts walking before his first birthday. Also, he is starting to use his sign language. During meal time he will sign "more."
Sleep: Is consistent...bed time is flexible but we try to have him in bed around 8pm. A few times he has slept for 8+hrs straight but it really depends on the night. Naps are still shorter but he takes 2. 
Teeth: His eight tooth started poking out a few days ago and I think there are 2 more working their way out on the top.
Talking: He does a lot of talking and is really good at saying "Mama and Dada" but not always to us.
Favorite Toy: I would have to say his train. He loves to push it across the floor. He also like any musical instrument, he likes to make noise.
It is hard to believe this is the last month before he will be a year old. This year has gone by way to fast. I am not ready for my baby.
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