I think back to my college days when the signs of my possible infertility starting showing up. I believe I was a Junior in college and I started having irregular cycles. My mother told me it was stress and my OB's solution was to try progesterone to see if that helped. The first few cycles after the progesterone were fine but then my cycles got all wonky again. I opted to go on birth control to normalize my cycle. My OB never did any test to figure out why my cycle was off. If I knew then what I know now I would have asked for more test.
Fast forward several years later, I am married and we had been TTC for over a year. I made an appointment to see my OB to get a referral to see the RE and talk to her about my cycle because I was having the wonky cycles again. Her solution was to give me a pregnancy test and proceed to tell me how she got a previous couple pregnant in 1 month. She was NO help and actually destroyed me mentally. I knew I wasn't pregnant and she didn't listen to my concerns.
During our whole time of TTC I can't count how many time we were told that "your were still young" and "don't worry." All of that stopped the day we got my day 3 blood work back. It went from "you are young" to
"It is to late."
"Your FSH is high."
"You need "donor egg."
To all the young ladies out there who have off cycles. Don't let your OB/DR tell you nothing is wrong. Have them figure out the cause of your wonky cycles. Don't wait till you are TTC because then it might be to late. Be your own advocate.
This blog was written for National Infertility Awareness Week. If you would like more information about infertility just click on the link.