Friday, November 26, 2010
Thankful for 9 Months

Weight: 18lbs 1oz
Height: 28 1/4 in
Eating: Nursing when I am home and I am pumping at work for him still. Currently he is eating many different solids. He also had his first Thanksgiving dinner yesterday.
New Tricks: Pulling up is his newest trick.
Favorite Toy: Still his piano
Sleep: Great! Naps GREAT! No he doesn't always sleep through the night but he is breastfed and isn't suppose to.
Our first Thanksgiving with Ant was AWESOME! My family just fell in love with him. As my mother said he doesn't look like any of my side of the family but his cuteness and the fact he is so easy going makes up for it. Now some might take what she said the wrong way but this was a complement on how wonderful Ant is.
I probably say this every month but I don't know where the time goes before I know it he is a month older. Ant has turned into such a little man. He is starting to notice when DH or I leave the house. The last couple days when DH left the house he fussed a little bit and was looking for him.
Stay tune lots of stuff coming...even a DE parent blog!
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Moby
As I said in my previous post, I LOVE TO BABYWEAR!!! Before Ant was here I was more concerned about having the perfect stroller. Well I have that but I find I prefer to wear Ant then push him in a stroller. One of my favorites was my Moby Wrap. We actually had to buy 2 because DH refused to wear the sage one I originally bought. As you can see we have a camo one also.
- Many different carrying positions
- Great for little ones who don't have head control yet
- Very supportive (I don't feel like I am carrying a baby)
- Baby is secure
- Difficult to figure out (but once you know how it is easy)
- Lots of fabric (the only negative in my opinion)
This was the carrier I used the most when Ant was 0-7months. I loved how was close to me and secure. You are suppose to be able to breastfeed using this carrier but I never mastered that skill. I think the only reason I don't use my Moby now is for that very reason. I love to be able to nurse on the go. I will tell you soon about that carrier. But I wouldn't have survived those first 3+ months without the Moby. It kept Ant secure and his head secure while I would get stuff done around the house.
I find myself giving demos on the Moby ever week at breastfeeding support group. This should be one of my many jobs...Demoing baby carriers.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Little Jealous
Recently, I have been experiencing a little bit of jealousy. I have a several friends who were considering DE as their next step and on their last shot with their own eggs it worked! I am truly happy for them but there is a part of me that wonders if I had done one more cycle with my eggs if it had worked. This is silly for me to think of because now that Ant is here I wouldn't ever trade him for a genetic child. As, I have said before he is the child I was meant to have.
I must remember for as many friends who have succeed I know many more who haven't. Instead of wishing for something that for something that didn't happen I need to stay focused on our amazing blessing.
Also, I just wanted to send out a warning for my blog readers. I am going to be focusing on motherhood blogs for awhile. As much as I identify and understand IF I want to talk about motherhood more at this moment. For up coming blogs I am going to talk about babywearing, breastfeeding(of course), and just general life as a mother.
I must remember for as many friends who have succeed I know many more who haven't. Instead of wishing for something that for something that didn't happen I need to stay focused on our amazing blessing.
Also, I just wanted to send out a warning for my blog readers. I am going to be focusing on motherhood blogs for awhile. As much as I identify and understand IF I want to talk about motherhood more at this moment. For up coming blogs I am going to talk about babywearing, breastfeeding(of course), and just general life as a mother.
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