Age: 6month
Weight: 14lbs 11oz (25th percentile)
Height: 25 3/4in
Eating: Nursing full-time when I am home. I am back to work but on weekend he is a 100% breastfeed baby. We have also started some solids.
New Tricks: Rolling over both ways and he loves to stand up (with help). He is also sitting up.
Favorite Toy: Has to be his letter spinner. He spins it to hear Animal sounds and letters.
Sleep: He isn't napping as much but he gets at least 2 30min to hr naps in.
I can't believe we have reached the halfway mark to a year. It is just absolutely amazing how fast they grow. Ant is doing new things everyday. My first day back to work I came home and I walk in to Ant saying "Mama." It was very exciting and made going to work the next day even harder.
On Thursday we had our 6month check up and I was worried his Ped wouldn't be happy with his weight gain. Well I was WRONG...he has jumped from the 10th percentile to the 25th. This was such relief.
Our biggest milestone is nursing full-time (when I am home). Ok I think that is enough bragging. Well almost...
Warning this is a mommy bragging about her baby. We just have so many awesome pictures and I wanted to share them with you.

Don't they all look so much a like?